Bsc CSIT C programming Course Material

So I’ve made some lecture slides and programs and made it all publicly available and kept in github  The syllabus is written on markdown file so any one can copy the raw version of it.
Anyone can contribute to this project. All the students can get rich course material in this repository.

Course Synopsis: This course contains the concepts of programming methodology using C. Goal: This course is designed to familiarize students to the techniques of programming in C.

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Naive and Efficient way of displaying a fibonacci number

With larger the input more time it takes to complete, with this in consideration we have two algorithms to implement and two comparison to make between a naive and an efficient way for solving a fibonacci number. As the Italian mathematician was quite inquisitive with rabbit reproduction this algorithm “Fibonacci Series” was developed, which quite fascinating as we disclose the history.

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Download Network Security Essentials (Applications and Standards)

Product Description

Wiliiam Stallings’ Network Security: Applications and Standards, 4/e is a practical survey of network security applications and standards, with unmatched support for instructors and students.
In this age of universal electronic connectivity, viruses and hackers, electronic eavesdropping, and electronic fraud, security is paramount. Network Security: Applications and Standards, 4/e provides a practical survey of network security applications and standards, with an emphasis on applications that are widely used on the Internet and for corporate networks. An unparalleled support package for instructors and students ensures a successful teaching and learning experience.
Adapted from Cryptography and Network Security, Fifth Edition, this text covers the same topics but with a much more concise treatment of cryptography. Network Security, 4/e also covers SNMP security, which is not covered in the fifth edition.

Highlights include: expanded coverage of pseudorandom number generation; new coverage of federated identity, HTTPS, Secure Shell (SSH) and wireless network security; completely rewritten and updated coverage of IPsec; and a new chapter on legal and ethical issues.