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Topics Covered
- Concept and Definition
- Inserting and Deleting nodes
- Linked implementation of a stack (PUSH/POP)
- Linked implementation of a queue (Insert/Remove)
- Circular List
- Stack as a circular list (PUSH/POP)
- Queue as a circular list (Insert/Remove)
- Doubly Linked List (Insert/Remove)
Topics Covered
- Concept and Definition
- Queue as an ADT
- Linear Queue
- Circular Queue
- Implementation of Insert and Delete operation of:
- Concept of Priority Queue
Topics Covered
- Concept and Definition
- Primitive Operations
- Stack as an ADT
- Implementing PUSH and POP operation
- Testing for overflow and underflow conditions
- The Infix, Postfix and Prefix
- Concept and Definition
- Evaluating the postfix operation
- Converting from infix to postfix
- Recursion
- Concept and Definition
- Implementation of:
- Multiplication of Natural Numbers
- Factorial
- Fibonacci Sequences
- The Tower of Hanoi