aadrive32.exe is A HEADACHE :@

exe name:aadrive32.exe
Program name: Microsoft Driver Setup
Size: 59529
Dear readers, if you are using internet then check out your task manager in process this file aadrive32.exe might be running several times this particular virus slows down your computer and makes you feel like your using one of those pentium I,II. If you are wondering how to remove aadrive32.exe, For a temporary removal i’ve located this virus at
but you can only see this when you click Tools on horizontal bar at the top
  1. Click tool on the horizontal bar
  2. Select View.
  3. And under the Hidden Files and Folders 
  4. Check Show hidden files and uncheck all the three buttons below it and Click OK

This will help you find aadrive32.exe once you find it delete it but this wont do when next reboot is done. once you turn again your computer it again shows up and sucks your brains and frustration can be seen on your face, i was also the victim. This damn virus also attracts some other worms like pushbot.gen, acleaner.exe, ircbrute e.t.c

Hope the Cure comes up soon and antivirus will help us out and put us out from our misery 😉

Broadcast music from your ALCATEL mobile handset

If you want your phone to play the songs that the other phone is playing then its possible and simple with the phone called ALCATEL.

I was using my ALCATEL OT-710 n was playing music on it then i saw one feature called broadcast then when i selected it and set the frequency i didn’t hear the sound and i was a bit confused so i thought is it working as a radio????? so my inquisitive head thought to bring my other mobile set and i plugged in an ear piece and set the same frequency to my surprise it played the same song that i was playing on my ALCATEL OT-710. Then i thought of the range of the transmission and then i increased the distance between these two cells and to my surprise it would catch the signal up to 24ft, which is quite enough for a single room to play same music out loud from a same station 😉 . This was some experience with my gadget if you wanna do the same and play the same song then just try out some steps which I’ll list below in order.

  1. click your Menu and select Music
  2. Then play any song of your choice
  3. From your music player click Menu Again
  4. Select Broadcast
  5. Power on the Broadcast and set Frequency and Click OK
  6. Now just tune in with same frequency from any other cell phone under Radio option
  7. You can hear the music that ALCATEL is broadcasting

This really works guys just give it a try once. 🙂