Child Safe Domain Analyzer

This came up while we had to process millions of domains and from those we had to identify if a domain is child safe or not. Millions of domains check every content every tags check everything else was quiet not feasible. So just a basic assumption checking parameters like page titles, tags meta tags etc to some extent can conclude if any site is child safe or not. Again another problem came up the question was if the domain isn’t in english how can we determine if it is in fact a vulnerable pornographic site? So we decided to use python scrape a domain grab its titles and tags and translate it using microsoft’s Translator API since it provides 2 million characters a month compared to googles 1million characters for 10$.

Didn’t know microsofts translation has been so accurate and its like for free since 2million a month was a good offer for developers like us.

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Facebook Auto View Increaser

Well its already 11:33 pm in the night, my friend had his video on youtube but unlucky he can’t get view like jumbled gangnam style or any other justin barber shit. So i decided lets make a script for him so that the poor soul would get a relief, which would actually increase his view count and make little popular though it ain’t that much. I wrote this one but wasn’t able to use proxies so as to stay anonymous in the eye of google, but will make it later when i get time.

So here is the link to my handy little script Facebook Viewer.

Don’t you worry its virus free if you wan’t to be sure then here’s Antivirus scan Result: Link

P.S Don’t for get to clean up your temp folder because this tool will load your temp folder with shits it operates on, to delete those file just use some awesome tools like cleanUP, Ccleaner or any other tools that cleans up your temp and recycle bin folder.